10 charlas TED sobre Creatividad
by gab on noviembre 30, 2012
TED seleccionó esta semana, de todo su arsenal disponible, 10 charlas sobre creatividad. De las 10 charlas, 2 fueron dadas por gente de IDEO, el CEO y el ex-CEO. Nada mal, IDEO.
> Julie Burstein: 4 lessons in creativity
[youtube sY0Pf_pfqCI]
> Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius
[youtube 86x-u-tz0MA]
> David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence
[youtube 16p9YRF0l-g]
> Isaac
Mizrahi: Fashion, passion, and about a million other
[youtube eSn6GP0UhKM]
> Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide?
[youtube 8D0pwe4vaQo]
> Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
[youtube 0af00UcTO-c]
> Janet Echelman: Taking imagination seriously
[youtube 9YekkGz1E2k]
> Kirby Ferguson: Embracing the remix
[youtube zd-dqUuvLk4]
> Malcolm McLaren: authentic creativity vs karaoke culture
[youtube E-wtmV0fAAg]
> Tim Brown: Tales of creativity and play
[youtube RjwUn-aA0VY]